Enjoy these Cat Big Brain quizzes we've created for you, helping to test the Cat knowledge you have.
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Often, when a cat has a urinary tract infection, he will stop using the litter box because he is associating it with the pain from the infection.
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Usually, but not always, will a cat with FUS pass blood in his urine. It is a definite sign that your cat needs to see a veterinarian for treatment.
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If you notice that it seems like your cat is having difficulty urinating, he may very well have FUS. Often a cat will also "vocalize" his discomfort, in addition to straining physically.
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If your cat has been unable to urinate, get him to the veterinarian immediately. Complete blockage could become fatal in as little as 24-48 hours if not treated.
Intact (un-neutered) male. | |
Intact (un-spayed) female. | |
Neutered male. | |
Neutered female. | |
FUS is most likely to occur in neutered male cats, due to the fact that they have a smaller urethra than cats in any of the other groups. Neutered males are also more likely than the other groups to develop a full blockage of the urethra, which could become fatal rather quickly (within 24-48 hours).
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A cat who licks himself excessively may have an infection; watch closely for other symptoms of FUS/FLUTD, and if you see any get your cat to the vet immediately.