Cat Glossary Tips
Read these 232 Cat Glossary Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Cat tips and hundreds of other topics.
Cat Glossary Tips
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What is territory?
Territory – area within which a cat lives and hunts
What is tabby-tortie?
Tabby-Tortie – tortoiseshell with tabby markings
What is adolescent?
Adolescent – in British showing, a cat between 9 – 15 months old
What is placenta?
Placenta – organ connecting the unborn kitten to the lining of the mother's womb through which it receives oxygen and nutrients
What is neutered?
Neutered – castrated or spayed
What is lynx?
Lynx – US term for tabby point
What is home range?
Home Range – inner area of a cat's territory
What is mutation?
Mutation – change in a gene which results in a change in hereditary characteristics between two generations, also known as rogue gene
What is tortoiseshell?
Tortoiseshell – patched coat pattern, usually made up of black and orange but also seen in other mixtures of colors
What is domestic class?
Domestic Class – class for household pets at a show
What is amino-acids?
Amino-Acids – organic compounds which are the component molecules of proteins
What is ovulate?
Ovulate – release eggs during oestrus
What is natural breed?
Natural Breed – breed that has evolved on its own without human intervention
What is an animal´s pedigree?
Pedigree: the line of descent of a pure-bred animal or the document recording this lineage
Pewter: British name for shaded silver
Pheromone: a chemical substance released by an animal that influences the behavior of another individual of the same species. Pheromones are involved in territorial spraying and sexual attraction.
What is patched tabby?
Patched Tabby – US term for tortie-tabby
What is recognition?
Recognition – acceptance by a cat fancy organization of a breed or color variety
What is veteran?
Veteran – term in British show circles for a cat over seven years old
What is protein?
Protein – chemical compounds associated with the growth and maintenance of the body
What is cobby?
Cobby – short and compact
What is a cat´s stifle?
Stifle: proper name for the knee of a cat's hind leg
Stimulus: an occurrence in the enviroment that evokes a response in an animal
Stop: an abrupt change in the slope of the nose profile-an extreme form of break (Persian breeds)
Stud: a tom kept specifically for breeding
What is displacement activity?
Displacement Activity – activity carried on to distract the sufferer's attention at a time of stress
What is a cat´s ´down´?
Dam: mother cat
Dermatitis: general terms for various inflammatory skin diseases, also commonly called eczema
Down (wool) hairs: short, soft crimped secondary hairs
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol – chemical occurring naturally in the body which is converted by sunlight to vitamin D
What is white spotting?>
White Spotting – random patches of white on a colored coat varying from small spots to large areas
What is membrane?
Membrane – thin body tissue
What is bi-color?
Bi-Color – patched coat of white and one other color
What is lactation?
Lacatation: production of milk in the queen
Lavender: American term for lilac
Leukemia: cancer of the blood cells
Lilac: pale pinkish-gray, known in North America as lavender
Liquid parafin: a mild laxative known in North America as mineral oil
Litter: a family of kittens, or absorbent toilet material
Lynx point: Amercan name for Tabby point
What is animal protein?
Animal Protein – body-building constituents of the diet derived from meat, fish, and animal products such as milk
What is vestigial?
Vestigial – non-functioning remnant of an organ
What is acinonyx?
Acinonyx – genus of Felidae which includes only one species, the cheetah
What is the muzzle on my cat?
Mask: The darker-colored areas of the face as seen in Siamese and Himalayan
Mongrel; moggy: a cat of mixed or unknown parentage
Molt: periodic shedding
Muzzle: the nose and jaws
What is gene?
Gene – unit of heredity which determines an organism's physical characteristics, growth, and function
What is digitigrade?
Digitigrade – walking on tip-toe
What is standard?
Standard – specification laid down by a cat fancy organization for the ideal specimens of a certain breed
What is panthera?
Panthera – genus of Felidae which consists of the six large cat species
What is oestrus?>
Oestrus – period in which a queen can be successfully mated
What is hunting range?
Hunting Range – outer area of a cat's territory, where it will hunt but not settle
What is genotype?
Genotype – set of genes inherited from both parents
How can a cat be a seal?
Sable: American name for brown, the darkest coat color in Burmese
Seal: the dark brown color found at the point of the darkest variety of Siamese
Secondary hairs: fine hairs, including awn and down hairs that form the cat's undercoat
Self (solid): having a coat of a uniform color
What is solid?
Solid (color) – US term for a coat of single color
What is ring-spotted?
Ring-Spotted – marked with spots grouped in rings
What is polygenes?
Polygenes – groups of genes that act together to produce hereditary characteristics
What is feral?
Feral – living wild but descended from domestic cats
What is breed?
Breed – group of cats with common ancestry and similar physical characteristics
What is breeches?
Breeches – long hair on the upper part of the hind legs
What is agouti?
Agouti – ground color between a tabby's stripes.
Non-agouti cats can loose this background, so that it becomes the same color as the stripes-resulting in a solid color
What is stud tail?
Stud Tail – greasy condition at the base of the tail caused by over-active sebaceous glands
What is standard shell?
Standard Shell – US term for light tipping, mainly on the head and body
What is heredity?
Heredity – process by which physical and other characteristics are passed on from one generation to the next
What is gene pool?
Gene Pool – extent of genetic variety in a given group of cats, especially a single breed
What is classic tabby?
Classic Tabby – cat with clearly defined broad stripes on a lighter agouti ground
What is bite?
Bite – meeting of upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed
What do all those letters mean on my cat´s vaccination record?
FCV: Feline Calcivirus- one of the viruses that cause upper respiratory disease
FVR: Feline viral rhinotracheitis, the more serious of the two viral causes of feline respiratory diseases
FeLV: Feline Leukemia Virus
FIA: Feline Infectious anemia
FIE: Feline Infectious enterities, also known as panleukopaenia
FPL: Feline panleukopaenia
FUS: Feline urological syndrome
What is undercoat?
Undercoat – layer of the coat consisting of down hairs
What is polydactyl?
Polydactyl – having more than five toes
What is miacid?
Miacid – prehistoric tree dwelling creature
What is standard tipped?
Standard Tipped – British term for standard shell
What is pet quality?
Pet Quality – another breeder's term for household quality
What is chintz cat?
Chintz Cat – used in Britain for a tortoiseshell and white cat
What is booster?
Booster – injection of a vaccine to maintain immunization against disease given by a previous dose
What is awn hairs?
Awn Hairs – secondary hairs in a cat's coat which are bristly with thickened tips
How can a cat be tipped?
TICA: The Indipendant Cat Assocition (USA)
Ticking: the black flecks seen characteristically on the Abyssinian coat
Tipped: having colored ends to the hairs, the degree of tipping deciding whether the cat is classed as a chinchilla, shaded, or smoke, etc.
What are ghost markings?
GCCF: Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, the body controlling cat shows in Britain
Ghost markings: Faint tabby markings seen in some self (solid) colored cats; especially when young.
Gland: an organ that produces a chemical secretion, such as a hormone or an enzyme
Guard Hairs: long bristly hairs forming the outer coat
What is the difference between a feral and a wild cat?
Feral- domesticated animls that have reverted to or was born in the wild. Feral cats are the same species as domestic cats, unlike true wild cats.
FIFe: Federation Internationale Feline, the main cat fance organization on the European continent Formerly the Federation Internationale Feline d'Europe (FIFE)
Flehmen Reaction: facial gesture seen when a cat's Jacobson's organ is stimulated.
Frost point: American term for lilac (lavendar) point
What is tipped?
Tipped – all over coloring of the ends of the coat hairs
What is nose pad?
Nose Pad – hardened skin surrounding the nostrils
What is mucous membrane?
Mucous Membrane – membrane coated with fluid that lines passages in the body that are open to the air
What is melanin?
Melanin – pigment which colors the hair and skin
What is down hair?
Down Hair – short, soft hair forming the undercoat
What is bacteria?
Bacteria – micro-organisms some of which produce disease
What is a tom cat?
Tom: an entire (uncastrated) male cat
Tortie: tortoiseshell
Tortoiseshell: generaly black and orange, but can also include blue-cream (dilute tortoiseshell), lilac-cream, etc.
Toxin: a poison, particularly one produced by micro-organi
What is a cattery?
Calico: American term for tortoiseshell and white coloring; a three colored animal with black, orange and white. Any other combination is considered a tri-color.
Calling: a female cat's behavior during oestrus (ovulation)
Cameo-Chinchilla: shadded or smoked with red or cream tipping to the hairs
Castration: sterilizing a male animal
Cat flu: common term for feline upper respiratory virus
Catnip/catmint: a perennial plant (Nepta cataria) whose smell attacts cats
Cattery: any place where cats are kept. In America the term refers to breeding establishments; in Britain it's used for boarding establishments.
What is euthanasia?
Elizabethan Collar: a cone shaped hood worn around the neck to prevent animals from irritating an injury
Entire (cat): not neutered or altered
Euthanasia: Painless killing, commonly called destruction, putting down, or putting to sleep
What is wild type?
Wild Type – basic form of a species in the cat, the wild type is the short haired brown, striped tabby
What is sabre-toothed cat?
Sabre-Toothed Cat – prehistoric carnivore distinguished by its long curved, upper canine teeth
What is non-pedigree?
Non-Pedigree – one or both parents unknown or unregistered
What is muscular?
Muscular – term applied to breeds such as the Rex breeds whose body form falls between cobby and little in type
What is inbreeding?
Inbreeding – mating of parents to offspring or of siblings
What is chromosomes?
Chromosomes – thread like structures within living cells which carry molecules of DNA and control heredity
What is ticked tabby?
Ticked Tabby – coat with tabby markings on the face, legs, and tail, and a ticked effect on the body
What is spottie?
Spottie – popular term for the spotted tabby
What is shock?
Shock – collapse caused by a failure of circulation or severe lowering of the blood pressure
What is a tumor?
Trait: a discrete inherited feature such as color, coat length, etc.
Tumor: any growth (not necessarily cancerous) caused by abnormal cell multiplication
What is split foot?
Split Foot – division of the front paws as a result of a bone deformation
What is odd-eyed?
Odd-Eyed – both eyes are different colors
What is moggie?
Moggie – affectionate British term for a non-pedigree cat
What is household quality?
Household Quality – term used by breeders for pedigree kittens which are not of sufficient quality to be shown or used as breeding stock
What is marbled?
Marbled – coat pattern with irregular dark blotches and stripes on a lighter ground
What is vetting in?
Vetting-In – inspection of cats on arrival at a show by a veterinarian
What is pedigree certificate?
Pedigree Certificate – document issued by a cat registration organization stating the ancestry of the cat and accepting it as a pedigree cat
What is an Albino cat?
Albino: having little to no colored pigment in the coat, skin and eyes.
What is ticked?
Ticked – coloring at the tips of the coat hairs which gives a flecked effect
What is mask?
Mask – dark colored parts of the face
What is dilute gene?
Dilute Gene – gene which results in a paler colored coat
What is spontaneous mutation?
Spontaneous Mutation – alteration for unknown reasons in genetic make-up between one generation and the next
What is spotted tabby?
Spotted Tabby – tabby in which the stripes are broken into discreet spots
What is registration?
Registration – recording the details of a pedigree kitten's birth and ancestry with an official registration body
What is predatory?
Predatory – habitually hunting and killing other animals for food
What is pack animal?
Pack Animal – animal that lives in a social group which has a leader
What is humerus?
Humerus – upper bones of the front legs
What is femur?
Femur – upper bone of the hind leg
What is felidae?
Felidae – order of mammals consisting of the genera Panthera, Acinonyx, Neofelix, and Felis
What is fault?
Fault – departure from the breed standard resulting in the loss of points at a show
What is DNA?
DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid, which is contained in chromosomes and is responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics from one generation to the next
What is colorpointing?
Colorpointing – having a deeper shade of the body color on the ears, nose, feet, and tail
What is cerebellum?
Cerebellum – area of the brain which controls movement and balance
What is the father cat called?
Shaded: coloring in which the tips of the hairs are colored, the rest being white or pale, the tipping being intermediate between the chinchilla and the smoke
Shading: gradual variation in coat color, usually from back to belly
Show standard: a description of the ideal cat of a particular breed, against which actual cats are judged. Also called standard of points.
Silver: term applied to shaded silver and silver tabby, both tipped colorings
Sire: father of a litter
What is a cat´s inner eyelid called?
Neuter (alter): A castrated male, outside the USA can include a spayed female
Nictitating membrane- the correct name for the thin opaque membrane that covers the front fo the eyebal under the eyelid.
Nocturnal: Active at night
NZCF: New Zealand Cat Fancy
What is ringworm?
Ringworm – fungal infection resulting in circular patches of inflamed and flaking skin
What is typey?
Typey – US term to describe a cat which conforms exactly with the body type defined in the breed standard
What is mackeral tabby?
Mackerel Tabby – coat pattern with narrow stripes extending down the spine and flanks
What is litter?
Litter – the kitten born to a queen at one episode of labor; material used to line a tray into which cats can defecate and urinate indoors
What are a cat´s points?
Platinum: the American name for lilac (lavender) in Burmese
Points: the extremities of a cat's body-the head, ears, tail, and feet-which are colored in Siamese and other breeds
Premier, grand premier: the equivalent of a champion and grand champion for a neutered animal
Pricked: describes ears held apart
Primary hairs: the same as guard hairs-the outer coat of a cat
Why does my cat open its mouth and breathe funny?
ICF Independent Cat Federation (USA)
Inbredding: the maiting of closely related cats such as parents or siblings
Infertile: unable to breed
Jacobson's organ- vomeronasal organ-a sensory organ in the roof of a cat's mouth that responds to chemical stimuli. Using the organ is known a phleming.
What is umbilical cord?
Umbilical Cord – tube connecting a kitten to its mother before and during birth which supplies oxygen and nutrients and carries away waste products
What is senior?
Senior – term used in British show circles for cats over two years old
What is semi-longhair?
Semi-Longhair – British term for breeds of cats which have hair longer than shorthairs but shorter than longhairs
What is self?
Self (color) – British term for a coat of a single color
What is quarantine kennels?
Quarantine Kennels – boarding catteries in certain countries where cats are kept in isolation for a period to ensure that they are free from rabies and other infections
What is out-crosses?
Out-Crosses – deliberate crosses with another breed
What are carnassial teeth?
Carnassial Teeth – teeth at the extreme sides of the jaw
What is viral epidemic?
Viral Epidemic – widespread infectious disease spread by an organism which reproduces within the body
What makes a cat´s eyes shine in the dark?
Tabby: striped, blotched, or spotted
Tabby Tortoiseshell: a tortoiseshell with tabby rather than self (solid) black patching; also called patched tabby or torbie
Tapetum lucidum: the mirror-like layer at the back of a cat's eye that produces the characteristic shine.
What is ringed?
Ringed (tail) – marked with circular rings extending round the tail
What is nurture?
Nurture – training of young by their parents
What is necklaces?
Necklaces – stripes encircling the chest and upper neck
What is laces?
Laces – markings extending from the paws up the back legs, almost to the hocks
What is valerian?
Valerian – also known as allheal, a plant whose scent is attractive to cats
What is parasite?
Parasite – creature that lives on or inside another and feeds off the host's tissues
What is zoonoses?
Zoonoses – infections and diseases that can be transmitted to humans from other animals
What is mitted?
Mitted – white markings on the front and hind paws
What is jacobson´s organ?
Jacobson's Organ – also known as vomero nasal organ; found at the back of the mouth and sensitive to airborne chemicals
What is homozygous?
Homozygous – identical alleles from each parent for a particular characteristic
What is boarding cattery?
Boarding Cattery – establishment where cats are cared for in the absence of their owners
What is blaze?
Blaze – marking in the center of the forehead
What is lordosis?
Lordosis – crouched position in which a queen presents herself to indicate that she is ready for intercourse
What is jugular vein?
Jugular Vein – vein in the neck that returns blood to the heart from the head
What is foreign?
Foreign – fine-boned and elegant, also known as Oriental
What is crossbreeding?
Crossbreeding – mating of cats of two different breeds
What is classic?
Classic – conforming entirely with the body type defined in breed standards
What is a carnivore?
Carnivore – meat-eating animal
What are antibodies?
Antibodies – substances produced in the blood which neutralize or destroy bacterial infections
What does spraying mean?
Species: The basic unit of a biological classification, consisting of similar indiviuals that are distinctively different from all other species and can breed together to produce fertile offspring like themselves. All domestic cats (off all breeds) belong to one species.
Sperm: the male reproductive cell
Spotting: the occurrence of white patches in the coat
Spraying: the instinct of urinating (mainly by toms) to mark out territory
What is a Piebald cat?
Piebald: specifically black and white, but also applied to white spotting with other colors
Pigment: coloring matter
Pinking up: primarily a British term for the characteristic coloring of the queen's nipples about three weeks after a successful mating
Pinna: the ear flap
What is colostrum?
Champaign: American name for the chocolate color in Burmese and the lilac color in Tonkinese
Chinchilla: Coloring in which only the outermost tips of the hairs are colored black or another color; the rest of the hair being white or pale.
Chocolate: Medium to pale brown; in Siamese distinctly paler than seal.
Cobby: having a short compact body shap, with broad shoulders and rump, a short tail, and large rounded head.
Colostrum: the first ‘milk' produced by the dam
What do the letters CFA stand for?
CCA: Canadian Cat Association
CFA: Cat Fancier's Association
CFF: Cat Fancier's Federation (USA)
What is smoke?
Smoke – coat coloring in which the roots of the hair are pale and the remainder colored
What is points?
Points – head, ears, feet and tail
What is declawing?
Declawing – surgical removal of a cat's claws
What is congenital?
Congenital – inherited or resulting from abnormal development in the womb
What does spaying mean?
Smoke: coloring in which most of the hairs are colored, the roots being white or pale
Solid: American term for self- all one color
Spaying: the sterilization of a female animal
What is torbie?
Torbie – tabby tortoiseshell, known in North America as patched tabby
What is coccyx?
Coccyx – last vertebra of the spine
What is cat flu?
Cat Flu – also known as upper respiratory virus infections
What is barred markings?
Barred Markings – dark stripes
What is weaned?
Weaned – having had the diet changed from mother's milk to solid food
What is nocturnal?
Nocturnal – active by night
What is marsupial?
Marsupial – mammal that is born immature and continues its development in the pouch of the mother
What is flanks?
Flanks – sides of the body
What is guard hairs?
Guard Hairs – long, bristly hairs making up the outercoat
What is felis?
Felis – genus known as small cats
What is dominant gene?
Dominant Gene – gene which passes on a physical characteristic even if it is in the genotype of only one parent
What is the technical word for one who loves/hates cats?
Ailurophile: one who loves cats
Ailurophobe: one who hates cats
What is small intestine?
Small Intestine – part of the digestive system where the breakdown of food into nutrients and waste matter takes place
What is plantigrade?
Plantigrade – walking on the soles of the feet
What does altering mean?
Alter: American term for sterilization of animals.
What is nutrient?
Nutrient – substance that contributes to the growth, development and maintenance of a living creature
What is junior?
Junior – British show term for cats over 15 months but under two years old
What is frills?
Frills – long hair growing from the chest between the front legs
What is cell?
Cell – basic structural unit of all living things
What is ruff?
Ruff – long hair round the neck
What is provisional recognition?
Provisional Recognition – stage in the recognition of a breed where specimens may compete in shows, but not in championship classes
What is championship status?
Championship Status – second highest level of awards at a show
What is canine teeth?
Canine Teeth – sharp, pointed teeth at the front of the mouth, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower
What is alleles?
Alleles – pairs of genes that produce alternative physical characteristics
What is gloves?
Gloves – markings on paws
What is hybrid breed?
Hybrid Breed – breed originally produced by crossing two other breeds
What are a cat´s vibrissae?
UCF: United Cat Federation (USA)
Van pattern: Bicolor in which most of the body is white, the color being restricted to the extremities
Variety: strictly, a subdivision of a breed, such as a particular color form. The term is, however, sometimes used interchangably with breed.
Vibrissae: whiskers
Vomeronasal organ: also known as the Jacobson's organ.
Wild type: the basic unmutated form of a creature that is found in the wild: in the cat, this is the short-haired brown stripped tabby.
What is a queen cat?
Queen: an un-neutered femal cat, particularly one kept for breeding
Rangy: describes a cat with long slender legs
Recognition: the official acceptance of a breed, color, etc. for show under the rules of a cat fancy organization. There may be different degrees of recognition.
Registration: recording the particulars of a cat's birth and ancestry with an official organization
Roman: describes a nose with a high, prominent bridge, characteristically in Siamese
What is back crossing?
Back-Crossing – mating a cat to one of its parents
What is the extra piece of skin in my cat´s eye?
Haw: third eyelid or nicitrating membrane
Heat: common name for oestrus/ovulation
Hock: proper name for the ankle of a cat's hind leg.
Honey mink: the name given to the intermediate brown color of Tonkinese, corresponding to chocolate
Hormone: a chemical messinger secreted into the bloodstream by a gland in order to affect another part of the body
Host: the animal upon which a parasite lives
What is vestibular apparatus?
Vestibular Apparatus – an organ in the cat's inner ear which enables it to maneuver so that if the cat falls it will land on its feet
What is cat fancy?
Cat Fancy – organization of pedigree cat breeders, exhibitors, and owners
What is snub nose?
Snub Nose – nose which is fore-shortened and turned up
What is conformation?
Conformation – body type, size, and shape
What is ovulation?
Odd-eyed: Having eyes of different colors, usually one blue and one orange or copper
Oestrus (estrus) regularly occuring periods of sexual receptivity seen in female cats-during ovulation-commonly known as in heat
Olfactory: relating to the sense of smell
Olfactory mucosa: the area of the nose responsible for the detection of smells
Omnivore: an animal that eats meat and plant foods
Oriental: a term often used interchangeably with ‘foreign,' particularly of extreme type. Specifically relating to the Oriental Shorthair.
Ovulation: release of eggs in female mammals
What is sebaceous glands?
Sebaceous Glands – organs in the skin secreting an oily substance known as sebum, which lubricates the hair and gives protection against bacterial infection
What is reflex action?
Reflex Action – automatic response to a stimulus
What is preliminary recognition?
Preliminary Recognition – stage in the recognition of a breed where specimens may be exhibited but are not eligible for competition
What is follicle?
Follicle – the point on the skin from which a hair grows
What is break?
Break – change in direction of the nose, also called the stop
What is bile?
Bile – fluid in the digestive system which aids the digestion of fats
What is dinicitis?
Dinicitis – group of prehistoric carnivores from which the Felidae evolved
What is a parasite?
Panleukopaenia: another term for FIE-feline infectious enteritis. (preferred in North America)
Papilla: small finger-like tissue projection as found on the tongue and lining the gut.
Parasite: any animal or plant that lives inside or on the skin of another animal (host), from which it obtains food and nourishment and generally does harm to the host.
Parti-color: term encompassing bicolors, tortoiseshells, and tortie & whites
What is receptor?
Receptor – nerve ending that receives information through the sense organs and transmits it to the brain
What is heterozygous?
Heterozygous – two different alleles for a particular characteristic, one from each parent
What is frost?
Frost – US term for pinkish dove grey, also known as lilac or lavender
What is variety?
Variety – division within a breed, usually related to color
What is olfactory?
Olfactory – related to the sense of smell
What is ligament?
Ligament – fibrous tissue forming part of the joints in the body
What is body language?
Body Language – movements of parts of the body which convey meaning
What is rosette?
Rosette – spots arranged in a circular pattern enclosing a patch of the basic coat color
What is alley cat?
Alley Cat – non-pedigree cat
What is hairball?
Hairball – mass of compressed hair which has been ingested
What is shaded?
Shaded – coat which shows a gradual variation in color from one part of the body to another
What is declawing?
Declawing – surgical removal of a cat's claws
What is vertebral column?
Vertebral Column – spinal column
What is tapetum lucidum?
Tapetum Lucidum – reflecting layer at the back of the cat's eye whose function is to increase the intensity of vision
What is metabolism?
Metabolism – chemical processes in an organism which control growth and functions
What is animal shelter?
Animal Shelter – an organization which looks after strays and other homeless pets and finds new homes for them
What is calico?
Calico – tortoiseshell and white
What is catnip-?
Catnip – a herb whose scent is attractive to cats
What is subspecies?
Subspecies – division within a species with slightly different characteristics usually caused by the isolation of its members
Are there really blue cats?
Bi-color: having a patched coat of white and a second color
Blaze: a contrasting marking down the the center of the forehead
Blue: color ranging from blue-grey to slate-grey.
Break: a distinct change in the direction of the nose profile (used mainly in the Persian breeds)
Bloodline: a ‘family' of cats related by ancestry or pedigree
Breed: a group of cats with similar, defined phyiscal characteristics and related ancestry
What is incisors?
Incisors – teeth between the canines, six in each jaw
What is recessive gene?
Recessive Gene – gene that will pass on a characteristic only if another identical gene appears in the allele
What is flehman behavior?
Flehmen Behavior – grimacing expression, where the cat tests airborne chemicals using the Jacobson's organ
What is hocks?
Hocks – joint on a cat's hind legs corresponding to the ankle in humans
What is sprayed?
Spayed – neutered of a female