Cat Links

Cat Tip Book
Answer User Questions
Overweight Cats
Cat Behavior
How to Stop Bad Cat Behavior with Water
Why Does My Cat Lick Me?
Why Do Cats Purr?
Kitty Nipping at Elbow and Feet
Limit Your Reaction
Try Rocks in your plants!
Marking, UI, and Urinating
Preventing Midnight Romps in the Bed
Kitty Bites Me While Petting Her
Kitty is acting weird..
Cats will learn from each other
Give Kitty her own special chair
Catch Him in the Act When Marking
Citrus Scented Products in Gardens
More tips on biting
4 Tips about Cats Clawing Furniture
Cover soil in plant pot to deter digging
Modifying Chewing Behavior
Declawed Cat Bites, Behaves Aggressively
Cat Biting
A Sticky Solution to Shredded Sofa
Add Compost to outdoor litter box
Carpet Couch Pads
Where to put the Scratching post
Scratch Pads, instead of Posts
Keeping Kitty off the Kitchen Counter
Citrus Rinds as Protectors in Soil
Time Out for Kitty
Stop the Outdoor Cats from Marking
Facts of Marking/Spraying
Stop the biting
Controling Kitty's Paws
When to NOT use Corrective Measures
Moth balls outdoors to deter digging
Another way to Stop the Biting
Cat Fights
Control over Curiosity
Keeping Kitty off the Table at Mealtime
The Goofiness of Cats
The Neurotically Clean Cat
Motivation is the key to behavior
Favorite Hiding Places
Survival Instinct-make it work for you
Love Songs
When Kitty meows meows meows
A Mournful Cry
Labored or painful cries
Growls and Screams
Chirping sounds from Kitty
Paying the Cat Tax as Relaxation Trigger
How does a cat show affection?
How to lift a cat
More tips on holding a cat
Other Ways to Hold a Cat
Holding a Cat
Why does my kitty rub on my legs?
Catnip Place Sitting
Catnip Toys
Cats find their own toys...
Recycling old toys into new ones!
Mouse toys
Feather Toys
Keeping Kitty's Toys Fun
Laser Pointers and Flashlights
Cardboard boxes
Rabbit Fur Mice
Hide and Seek
Kitty Toy Box or Cat Entertainment
Natural Toys
Entertaining with bird feeders & bird baths
Cat Breeds
Evaluating an Adult Cat
Finding a Breeder
Some Questions for Breeders
Recognized Cat Breeds
How to choose a breed
What to consider in a Kitten
Testing a Kittens Personality
Ideal Age to Adopt a Kitten
Buying a Kitten Sight Unseen
Mother Cat and Socialization
Cat Care and Grooming
Get everything together before bath
Controling symptoms with cleaning
A lukewarm bath
A waterless bath for kitty
Bathing a kitten
Clean the Cat Too
A pedicure first
Start bathing kittens early
Finishing bathing long hair cats
Training an Adult Cat for a Bath
How to Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell
How To Make a Cat Tree
Daily brushings control allergens
A gentle experience
Brush your cat gently
Training an Adult Cat to be Brushed
Hairless Furniture for Company
Cat Leaves Bad Odor
Removing Kitty Fur from your clothes
I don't have any tape or the item is too big!
If you have skin allergies....
Kitty doesn't like to be brushed
Cleaning cats teeth
Remove fur from furniture
Steps to Grooming a Persian Cat
Shaving a Cat - Cat Coat Problems
My Cat is Sneezing
Tools You Need for Longhaired Cats
Cat Food & Cat Nutrition
Cats and Milk Don't Mix
Feed Your Cat Nutritional Yeast
When to start weaning
Small Kittens, Small Dish
Use Pet Foods, Not Human Foods
Not too hot, Not too cold....
Canned Cat Foods to Use and Avoid
Good and Bad Table Scraps
Kitty picks at his favorite food, but doesn't finish it
How Much Cat Food
Proper Nutrition for Your Pregnant Cat
Semi-Moist Cat Foods
Plastic bowl problems
Tasty Anti-Hair Ball Cat Food
Dry versus Wet Cat Foods
Feeding time
Keeping Kitty out of the Food Bag
Finicky eaters
Qualtiy vs. Price - Premium Cat Food
Kitty stopped eating his favorite food
Premium Cat Food Lessens Allergens
Kids and Kitty feeding & bedtime
Kittens are Ravenous
Dry cat foods
High End Pet Foods at Cheaper Prices
Growing Catnip to Please Kitty
Cat Food Recipe for Food Allergies
Food Temperature
Water Bowls
Cat Glossary
Sti- Stu Terms
Sa-Se Terms
Sh-Si Terms
Sm-Spa Terms
Q-Rz Terms
Da-Dz Terms
Ch-Cz Terms
Pe-Ph Terms
Ta Terms
Ti Terms
To Terms
Tr-Tu Terms
U-Z Terms
Animal Shelter
Na-Nz Terms
Pa Terms
Pi Terms
Pl-Pz Terms
Animal Protein
Alley Cat
La-Lz Terms
Ailurophile and Ailurophobe
Awn Hairs
Spe-Spr Terms
Ea-Ez Terms
Diseases beginning with F
Fa-Fz Terms
Ia-Jz Terms
Ga-Gz Terms
Ha-Hz Terms
Ma-Mz Terms
Oa-Oz Terms
Ba-Bz Terms
Ca-Ci Terms
Associations starting with C
Boarding Cattery
Body Language
Barred Markings
Cat Fancy
Carnassial Teeth
Cat Flu
Classic Tabby
Championship Status
Chintz Cat
Canine Teeth
Dilute Gene
Displacement Activity
Dominant Gene
Domestic Class
Down Hair
Flehmen Behavior
Gene Pool
Guard Hairs
Home Range
Household Quality
Hunting Range
Hybrid Breed
Jugular Vein
Jacobson's Organ
Mackerel Tabby
Mucous Membrane
Nose Pad
Natural Breed
Pack Animal
Preliminary Recognition
Provisional Recognition
Patched Tabby
Pedigree Certificate
Pet Quality
Quarantine Kennels
Recessive Gene
Reflex Action
Standard Tipped
Split Foot
Sabre-Toothed Cat
Spotted Tabby
Small Intestines
Sebaceous Glands
Stud Tail
Snub Nose
Spontaneous Mutation
Standard Shell
Tapetum Lucidum
Umbilical Cord
Vertebral Column
Vetting In
Viral Epidemic
Vestibular Apparatus
Wild Type
White Spotting
Cat Health
Food allergy
Upper Respiratory Ailments
Feline Leukemia
Alternate thermometer
Taking a cat's temperature
First Aid for a Cat or Kitten
Feline Chronic Kidney Failure: Prevention and Treatment
Excessive Bad Breath
Use kitty toothpaste
Cleaning Fluffy's teeth
Cleaning kitty's teeth
Brushing teeth
Dental care
Paying the Cat Tax
The Signs and Symptoms of UI
Food and Urinary Infections
UI, cystis and some helpful steps
Tap Water and UI
UI and Sandboxes
Home Remedies...
Neutering Your Male Cat
Caring for Pregnant Cats
Cats in Heat #2
Cats in heat #3
Cats in Heat #4
Cats in heat conclusion - Spaying and Neutering
Pregnancy in Cats
Cats In Heat - Spaying and Neutering Cats
Controlling Hairballs
Preventative measures
Fur Balls
Other scratching posts
Trim, don't declaw
Younger is Better
Claw Tips-an alternative to declawing
Protect the Couch!
Declawing your pet 101
Find a Top Notch Vet for Declawing
Declaw only the front feet
Increased Thirst
Ol' Kitty can't find a warm nap place
Lack of appetite
Litter Box Reconnaissance
Lumps and Bumps
Routine Check Ups
Senior Diet
Warmth is Important
Tinkle Troubles
Ol' Kitty just can't get warm
Low Cost Medical Advice
Home Remedies for UI, cystitis
Excessive licking and grooming
Cats who do not like pills
Strings Can Be Deadly
Fleas cause Worms?!
How to Remove a Tick
Destroy the Tick
Protect Your Indoor Kitties!
Get Kitty to eat flea medicine!
Natural Flea Killers
Ridding the house of fleas, and other insects
Wash your hands after killing a tick
Heartworm Disease
Heartworm preventatives
Ear Mite Symptoms
Pesticide Alternatives
Toxoplasmosis prevention
Kitty Growls, Hisses and Chases his tail
How Kitty Catches Intestinal Parasites
Where Ticks and Fleas Live
Where do heartworms come from?
Flea prevention
Catnip, More Than Just a Cat's Toy
Poisonous House plants
Dull Dry Coat
Cat History
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians hunted with cats
Cats as Chinese Pest Controllers
Out of Egypt and to Europe
Liberty, freedom, cats....
Cats in Pompeii
Cats in Ancient China
Cats in India
Evolution of the Shorthair Cat
Ancestor of the long haired cats
Newton's cats
Evil Changeling Cats
Cat Jokes
Some Favorite Jokes About Cats
Cat Quotes
10 Quotes About Cats That Will Make You Love Your Feline Friend Even More
Cat Safety
Protect Your Black Cat
Observe while you exercise or commute
Paying the Price Incognito
How should you report abuse/neglect
Cats and Human Medications
Bugs and Indoor Cats
Eliminate the Food Supply
Herbal/Spicy Insect Repellants
Rat Poison
Minty Insect Repellants
Avoid Trapping a neighbor's cat
Grocery Sack/Bag warning
Watch the Garbage Can
When you must use poisons....
String Warning
Kitty high-rise syndrome
Candy can be poisonous!
Alternative & Safe String
Caution in the Laundry Room
Hidden Dangers in Manufactured Toys
Prevent Injuries from falls
Protecting Kitty
What Kind of Bedding is best
Winter Warmth to Summer Storm Shelter
Warm, dry shelter
Outdoor shelters should have dry floors
Water, water, water
Shelter in the summertime
Simple Shade
Wildflower Shade
A Shady Corner without Trees
What to do for Kitty when I am vacationing?
Antifreeze Warning
Short Trips outside
Kitty is Bored all cooped up inside
Honk that Horn!
What Kind of Bedding is best
Add a litter box to mimic outdoors
Food, food and more food
Time to re-introduce the wet food
Cat Training
Kitty still cries to be let out/in
Pet Door Introduction
Pet Door Exit and Entry Training
Imposing Discipline
Correcting a Bad Kitty
Change her attitude about a spot
Training to use a Leash/Lead
Training Kitty to use the Toilet
Taking your pet to work
Jobs involving pets
Sandbox Training 101
From Indoor to Outdoor
Wash your hands!
Sandbox Training 102
Steps to Re-Train Kitty
Sandbox Training 103
He's stopped using the box!
Conflicting advice about litter box training
Rug Protectors
Gentle Behavior Modification
He's going everywhere!
Sand Box Training 101
Coping with Kitty's Behavior Problems
What Won't Work....
The Best Method for removing odors
Odor removing tips
Urine odor
When can kittens leave their mother?
Changing Bedding in the cat nursery
The Expanding Nursery
Why change the litter's bedding?
Feeding a Pregnant Cat
Electrical cords
Keeping the kitten confined
Kitten Proofing your home
Remind Kitten about the Litter Box
When do they need to use the box?
Holding Kittens
Walking on a lead
Formula for motherless kittens
Multiple Cat Households
Lessen the defensive posturing
Stopping Fights Between Your Cats
Saving a Bundle on kitty litter
Consider two Kitties instead of one
Introducing New Pets to Home
Sand Boxes-More than one?
Top Cat Apps
Top 5 Cat Apps
Travel & Moving
Moving Day
Adjusting to a new home
Introducing a cat to a new home
Introducing Kitty to a new neighborhood
While you're unpacking....
Sending Kitty Alone?
Getting Kitty into the Pet Carrier
Using a cat carrier
Comfort in Numbers
Vaccination records
Get out and stretch
The first outings
Toys in the car
Products that may help a nervous cat
Does Kitty really need a sitter?
Kitty's Boredom
How often should the sitter come over?
Sitter & Treats
Gather important information
Meeting the Kitty Sitter
Help Kitty's Boredom
Veterinarian visits
Annual Checkups
Vaccinations for a kitten
More about booster shots
Wild Cats
Cheetah –General Facts
Cheetahs: Fastest land animal
Endangered and/or Extinct
Cheetah: Social Habits and Mating
Puma (mountain lion, cougar)-General Facts
Puma Tidbits
Fishing Cat- General Facts
Serval- General Facts
Palla's cat (manul)- General Facts
Sand Cat – General Facts
Flat Headed Cat-General Facts
Kodkod (huina)-General Facts
Mountain Cat-General Facts
Jagurundi (jaguarondi)- General Facts
Leopard cat (Bengal cat)- General Facts
Jungle Cat –General Facts
Rusty-spotted cat- General Facts
Jaguar Tidbits
Mating and Lifespan
Jaguar-General Facts
Snow Leopard (ounce)-General Facts
Snow Leopard Tidbits
General Facts
Hunting and Food
Clouded Leopard-General Facts
General Facts
Hunting Skills
Breeding and Life span
Lion's Roar
Caracals: Black Ears…
Caracals: Trained hunters
Spanish Lynx
Other Members of the Lynx Family
Lynx Family-Canada lynx
Lynx (northern lynx)- General Facts
Lynx Tidbits
Caracal (caracal lynx)-General Facts
Geoffroy's cat (Geoffroy's ocelot)- General Facts
Tiger cat (tiger ocelot) –General Facts
General Facts
Ocelot Tidbits
Margay/Tree Ocelot
See Leopards...
Black-footed cat- General Facts
Temminck's (Asiatic) golden cat- General facts
African Golden Cat –General Facts
Bay Cat –General Facts
Iriomote cat –General Facts
Chinese desert cat- General Facts
Europen Wild cat- General Facts
Marbled cat – General Facts
Pampas cat – General Facts
Siberian Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Other Tigers
Social Habits
Tiger-General Facts
Cat Newsletter Archive
Fur Balls
Declaw only the front feet
Declawing your pet 101
Other scratching posts
Younger is Better
Lack of appetite
Ol´ Kitty can´t find a warm nap place
Ol´ Kitty just can´t get warm
Senior Diet
Warmth is Important
Taking a cat´s temperature
Home Remedies for UI, cystitis
Cats in Heat #4
Cats in Heat #2
Cats in heat #3
Cleaning Fluffy´s teeth
Dental care
Excessive Bad Breath
Cats who do not like pills
Strings Can Be Deadly
Destroy the Tick
Get Kitty to eat flea medicine!
How to Remove a Tick
Kitty Growls, Hisses and Chases his tail
Natural Flea Killers
Pesticide Alternatives
Protect Your Indoor Kitties!
Ridding the house of fleas, and other insects
Paying the Cat Tax
Food and Urinary Infections
Home Remedies...
UI, cystis and some helpful steps
Tap Water and UI
Why change the litter´s bedding?
When do they need to use the box?
Formula for motherless kittens
How should you report abuse/neglect
Avoid Trapping a neighbor´s cat
Hidden Dangers in Manufactured Toys
Kitty high-rise syndrome
Catnip, More Than Just a Cat's Toy
Coping with Kitty's Behavior Problems
String Warning
Warm, dry shelter
What Kind of Bedding is best
Bugs and Indoor Cats
Eliminate the Food Supply
Herbal/Spicy Insect Repellants
Rat Poison
Watch the Garbage Can
When you must use poisons....
Water, water, water
Wildflower Shade
Food, food and more food
Honk that Horn!
Short Trips outside
Time to re-introduce the wet food
What Kind of Bedding is best
Jobs involving pets
Taking your pet to work
Sand Box Training 101
Sandbox Training 102
Sandbox Training 103
Training Kitty to use the Toilet
Imposing Discipline
Change her attitude about a spot
Conflicting advice about litter box training
Gentle Behavior Modification
He´s going everywhere!
Rug Protectors
Sandbox Training 101
The Best Method for removing odors
Pet Door Exit and Entry Training
Using a cat carrier
Gather important information
How often should the sitter come over?
Meeting the Kitty Sitter
Puma (mountain lion, cougar)-General Facts
Puma Tidbits
Palla's cat (manul)- General Facts
Jaguar Tidbits
Mating and Lifespan
Clouded Leopard-General Facts
General Facts
Hunting and Food
Snow Leopard (ounce)-General Facts
Breeding and Life span
General Facts
Caracal (caracal lynx)-General Facts
Lynx Family-Canada lynx
Lynx Tidbits
General Facts
Iriomote cat –General Facts
Kitty is acting weird..
Annual Checkups
More about booster shots
Vaccinations for a kitten
Growls and Screams
More tips on biting
Fleas cause Worms?!
Toxoplasmosis prevention
UI and Sandboxes
Finicky eaters
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians hunted with cats
Cats in Ancient China
Feeding a Pregnant Cat
Litter Box Reconnaissance
Dull Dry Coat
Out of Egypt and to Europe
Evolution of the Shorthair Cat
Protecting Kitty
Paying the Price Incognito
Observe while you exercise or commute
Alternative & Safe String
Protect Your Black Cat
Grocery Sack/Bag warning
Minty Insect Repellants
Antifreeze Warning
Kitty is Bored all cooped up inside
Kitty still cries to be let out/in
Pet Door Introduction
Correcting a Bad Kitty
Training to use a Leash/Lead
From Indoor to Outdoor
He´s stopped using the box!
Steps to Re-Train Kitty
What Won´t Work....
Wash your hands!
Odor removing tips
Changing Bedding in the cat nursery
The Expanding Nursery
Remind Kitten about the Litter Box
Kitten Proofing your home
Holding Kittens
Walking on a lead
Keeping the kitten confined
Lessen the defensive posturing
Consider two Kitties instead of one
Introducing new pets to home
Introducing Kitty to a new neighborhood
Adjusting to a new home
Moving Day
Comfort in Numbers
Does Kitty really need a sitter?
Toys in the car
Help Kitty´s Boredom
Kitty´s Boredom
Cheetah –General Facts
Serval- General Facts
Leopard cat (Bengal cat)- General Facts
Jaguar-General Facts
Hunting Skills
Lynx (northern lynx)- General Facts
Bengal Tiger
Tiger-General Facts
Cat Biting
Kitty Bites Me While Petting Her
Marking, UI, and Urinating
When to NOT use Corrective Measures
Chirping sounds from Kitty
Paying the Cat Tax as Relaxation Trigger
Kitty Toy Box or Cat Entertainment
When Kitty meows meows meows
Sending Kitty Alone?
Evaluating an Adult Cat
Finding a Breeder
Some Questions for Breeders
Recognized Cat Breeds
Buying a Kitten Sight Unseen
Ideal Age to Adopt a Kitten
Testing a Kittens Personality
What to consider in a Kitten
Mother Cat and Socialization
How to choose a breed
How does a cat show affection?
Getting Kitty into the Pet Carrier
Stopping Fights Between Your Cats
4 Tips about Cats Clawing Furniture
Clean the Cat Too
A pedicure first
A waterless bath for kitty
Kitty doesn´t like to be brushed
Shaving a Cat - Cat Coat Problems
Start bathing kittens early
Steps to Grooming a Persian Cat
Tools You Need for Longhaired Cats
Training an Adult Cat for a Bath
Training an Adult Cat to be Brushed
Hairless Furniture for Company
If you have skin allergies....
My Cat is Sneezing
Cleaning cats teeth
Use Pet Foods, Not Human Foods
When to start weaning
Tasty Anti-Hair Ball Cat Food
Dry versus Wet Cat Foods
Semi-Moist Cat Foods
Canned Cat Foods to Use and Avoid
Good and Bad Table Scraps
How Much Cat Food
Kitty picks at his favorite food, but doesn´t finish it
Plastic bowl problems
Premium Cat Food Lessens Allergens
Qualtiy vs. Price - Premium Cat Food
Find a Top Notch Vet for Declawing
Flea prevention
Increased Thirst
Neutering Your Male Cat
Poisonous House plants
The Signs and Symptoms of UI
Upper Respiratory Ailments
Where do heartworms come from?
First Aid for a Cat or Kitten
Trim, don´t declaw
Alternate thermometer
Low Cost Medical Advice
Cats In Heat - Spaying and Neutering Cats
Cats in heat conclusion - Spaying and Neutering
Caring for Pregnant Cats
Controlling Hairballs
Ear Mite Symptoms
Excessive licking and grooming
Protect the Couch!
The importance of Identification
When you Must use Poisons to Rid Pests
How Much Cat Food
Food Temperature
Kitty Box Toy or Cat Entertainment
Where to Put the Scratching Post
Keeping Kitty Off the Kitchen Counter
When Kitty meows, meows, meows
Survival Instinct - Make it Work for You
Preventing Midnight Romps in Bed
Facts of Marking / Spraying
Tips About Cats Clawing Furniture
Training an Adult Cat to be Brushed
Correcting a Bad Kitty
Excessive Licking and Grooming
Paying the Cat Tax as a Relaxation Trigger
Honk That Horn!
Stopping Your Cats From Fighting
Alternative and Safe String
Antifreeze Warning
Motivation is the Key to Behavior
Annual Checkups
Dry Cat Food
When Kitty does not like to be brushed
How does a cat show affection?
Controling Hair Balls
Females and Chirping
Kitty doesn´t like to be brushed
Feline Leukemia
Ancient Egypt
Caution in the Laundry Room
Cats in India
Females and Chirping
Feline Leukemia
Kitty doesn´t like to be brushed
Dry food
Growls and Screams
Growls and Screams
Cat Facts - Dew Claw
Diseases That Begin with F
Preliminary Recognition
Provisional Recognition
Cat Facts - Balancing Organ
Jacobson’s Organ
Cat Facts - Sweet Foods
Canine Teeth
Dry food
Cat Biting
Kittenproofing Your Home
Cancer: The Dreaded Diagnosis
Pl-Pz Terms
When Your Cat`s in Heat
The Facts on FLUTD
Kitty Sitter Preparations
Kitty Vacation Preparations!
Warm Weather and Food
Water is Critical
The Heat Is On!
The Lawn Furniture Smells!
Garden Defense from Stray Cats
More Parasite Battle Preparations
Prepare to Battle the Parasites
Warm Weather Issues
Spring Kitten Training!
The New Arrivals!
Cat-tips Newsletter, March 9, 2001: Preparing for New Arrivals
Cat-tips Newsletter, March 3, 2001:CATS IN HEAT
Cat-tips Newsletter, 2-23-2001: Grieving the Loss of a Pet
Cat-tips Newsletter, Issue : The Ups and Downs of Vomiting
Cat-tips Newsletter 2-9-01: Injuries that Need a Vet`s Attention Newsletter 2-2-01 Is Kitty Sick or just Tired? Newsletter 1-26-2001: The Eden Concept Newsletter 1-19-01: Kitty Massage Newsletter- 1-12-01: Using Cat Tax as Relax Trigger Newsletter-1-5-01: Paying the Cat Tax Newsletter Issue 17-12-29-00: New Year`s Resolutions Newsletter Issue16 12-22-00:Holiday Charity Newsletter Issue 15 12-15-00:Pets as Gifts Newsletter, Issue 14, Decorating Dangers
Cat-Tips Newsletter Issue 13: Wrapping Woes
Cat-Tips Newsletter , Issue 12, Stress Mangement During Parties
Cat-Tips Newsletter 11-17-00 Issue 11: Hiding from Monsters!
Cat-tips Newsletter Issue 10: Dinnertime Woes Conquered
Cat-Tips Newsletter Issue 9:Table Manners
Cat-Tips Newsletter Issue 8: PROTECT YOUR BLACK CAT!
Cat-Tips Newsletter, Issue 7, Cats in History
Cat-Tips Newsletter 10-13-00 Issue 6: A Double Whammy!
Cat-Tips Newsletter, Issue 5: Black Cats in Literature
Cat-tips Newsletter, Issue 4, Honk that Horn!
Cat-tips Newsletter, Issue 3, A warm place to sleep
Cat-Tips Newsletter, Issue 2: A Hidden Danger
Cat-Tips Newsletter, Issue #1: Humans Reminisce -Mother Nature Prepares
Cat Frequently Asked Questions
What is a home formula for removing pet odors?
How do I train a kitten to be held?
How do I stop my cat from biting me?
How do I know if my cat is in heat?
I´ve washed the pet stain, and my pet still uses that spot, why?
What is the best way to remove a pet odor?
What can I use to help remove urine smells?
How should I correct a misbehaving kitty?
Why is my cat meowing constantly?
How do I know when to use a Corrective Measure on my kitty?
My cat is going everywhere, how do I stop him?
How do I treat my cat´s hairballs?
Why has my cat stopped using the sand box?
Why does my kitty rub on my legs?
Why should I stop my cat from biting when she plays?
How do cats say I love you?
How much food should I leave out for my cat?
How do you train an adult cat to be brushed?
How can I get my cat to tolerate being brushed?
How do I keep my cat from getting hairballs?
How do you hold a cat?
What kinds of toys are good for my cat?
What kind of bowl should I use for my cat´s food?
How do I help my finicky cat eat better?
What should I do for my cat´s UI or cystitis?
My friend´s cat always tries to bite me, why does he do this?
I have allergies to cats, what can I do?
How do I stop the cats from marking my outdoor belongings?
How do I wean kittens from mother´s milk to solid food?
Can the tap water be contributing to my cat´s urinary problems?
How do I know if my cat has feline leukemia?
How do I help my cat move to our new home?
How do I stop my cat from clawing the furniture?
What is my cat meowing?
What will happen if I don´t neuter my male cat?
How do I groom my Persian cat?
How do I get my cat to tolerate batthing?
How do I provide a shady place for my outdoor cat?
How hot should the cat´s bath water be?
How do a brush a long haired/Persian Cat?
How do cats mark their territory?
Why does my cat bite me when I´m petting him?
How do I keep cats out of my garden/plants?
Why does my cat meow? What does it mean?
When should I get my kitten declawed?
How do I give my cat a bath?
What are the symptoms of earmites in Cats?
How do I stop my cats from clawing the couch?
How can I stop my cat from clawing the furniture?
How can I safely introduce a new cat to my home so my current cat doesn’t go nuts?
What should I do first to introduce my new cat to my old cat?
How can I help my cat´s boredom while I´m gone?
How do I stop my kitten from biting?
How do I know the difference between marking and peeing in a cat?
What can I do besides declawing my cat?
Are there natual ways of ridding your house of fleas?
How can I allow my cat to play with catnip without the mess?
How do I prevent my cat´s hairballs?
Should I shave my long haired cat?
What should I do for my cat when we get to the new home?
Why does my cat meow? What does it mean?
How do I tell if my cat has a urniary problem?
What is toxoplasmosis?
How does my cat get worms from fleas?
Why does my cat lick himself all the time?
How do I keep my older cat warm?
Can my cat eat candy?
How often should I change the bedding in my cat´s ´nursery?´
My cat sounds so sad? Why does my cat cry?
Is it safe to declaw my cat?
Does my veterinarian have any remedies for fleas?
How do I stop my cat from marking my belongings?
Do cats get heartworms?
Can my cat get heartworms like my dog?
How do I prevent my cat from coughing up hairballs?
How should I treat my cat´s wounds?
How do I correct a kitty?
Do cats catch colds?
How do I train a kitten to use the Litter Box?
Will kittens learn to walk on a leash?
How do I keep Kitty off the counter?
How can I tell if my cat has allergies?
How do I stop my cats from fighting?
I´m allergic to cats, what can I do?
How can I help my kitty get to a box in time when he has UI?
How can I live with allergies and my cat?
How do I keep my cats from fighting?
Are there home remedies for cat care?
How do I stop my cat from digging in my house plants?
How do I prevent toxoplasmosis infection?
When should I start bathing my cat?
How do I train a cat to be held?
How do a start training a cat to take a bath?
Do cats get allergies and sneeze?
How do I know when my cat is in heat?
How do I train my cat to take a bath?
How do I stop the neighbor´s cat from digging in my garden?
What can I do when my cat has stopped using the box?
Do kittens need a nursery like human babies?
What does hissing mean? Why do cats hiss?
How do I detangle my long-haired cat´s coat after a bath?
I can´t afford a vet bill, what do I do?
What are some common plants that are toxic to cats?
How do I retrain my cat to use the litter box?
How much food should you feed an adult cat?
When do kittens usually need to use the litter box?
How can I bond with and train my cat?
How do I remove cat hair from my furniture?
How do I help my cat with intestinal gas?
What steps should I take before bringing my kitten home?
How do I stop my cats from fighting?
Do I need to get a sitter, if I´m only gone a day or two?
What kind of grooming do cats require?
How do I stop my cat from jumping on me in bed?
Does my cat need a friend?
How do I control my cat´s dandruff?
My cat sounds sick, or makes a painful cry?
What are you supposed to feed a pregnant cat?
How does my cat contract intestinal parasites?
How can I easily train my cat?
How do I prevent my cat from getting hairballs?
How many litter boxes should I have for my cat?
How do I keep Kitty off the table at meal times?
My cat has diarrhea, what should I do?
Should I worry about my cat´s litterbox deposits?
What types of combs and brushes should I get for my long haired cat?
I want to bathe my cat, but what if she hates being wet?
What tools do I need to groom my longhaired cat?
What can I do if I have allergies?
When should I trim my cat´s nails?
What do I need to bathe my cat?
What kind of bedding should I put in my cat´s outdoor shelter?
Can I get rid of fleas inside the house without using pesticides?
Are there any home remedies for a cat´s urinary troubles?
How do I keep my cat from scratching the furniture?
How do I keep Kitty off the counters and dining table?
How do cardboard boxes entertain kitties?
Does my cat´s food create a urniary problem?
What can I do about my cat being bored?
Why does my older cat drink so much?
My kitty seems to be tinkling everywhere, what´s wrong with him?
When should I give my cat his wet food?
How do I get my cat´s toys to smell like catnip?
Should I use a leash when bathing my cat?
Is there something I can give my cat to calm her?
How do I take care of orphaned kittens?
What do all those letters mean on my cat´s vaccination record?
What table scraps should I and shouldn´t I give to my kitty?
How do I keep kitty hair off my furniture?
How can I keep my furniture fur-free in case of company?
How do I stop the stray cats from using my garden as a litter box?
How do I wash my cat?
Does my cat like to be brushed?
Are strings dangerous for cats to play with?
Why should I hide/secure electrical cords?
What are some common hiding places for cats?
Should I worry about the lumps on my cat?
How do I stop my cat from clawing/scratching the rug?
How much should I spend on cat food?
Why should I check my laundry room machines before I use them?
How can I give my cat his pill?
Should I have the vet declaw all four feet?
How do I stop my cat from digging in my house plants?
What is the best way to move pets from our old home to our new one?
How do I keep my cat from howling every time we go anywhere?
What types of things are poisonous to my cat?
How do I stop my cat from soiling a chair/bed?
How do I keep my kitty´s paws off of things?
Where should I put my cat´s water bowls?
How do I know if my cat has intestinal parasites?
How do I help my cat´s coat be soft and shiny?
How do I heat my cat´s left over food up?
Do cats need water outside in the summer time?
How can I prevent falls?
How do I remove cat hair from my clothes?
How long should I keep my kitten contained to one room?
Should I worry about parasites if my kitty stays indoors?
How soon can kittens leave their mother?
How do I keep my cat´s toys from being scattered all over?
How do I play Hide and Seek with my cat?
How long should I wait before letting Kitty go outside?
My older cat has trouble eating, what should I do?
My older cat seems so cold, what can I do?
How often should the kitty sitter come over?
What can I do besides declawing my cat?
How do I get my cat into the Pet Carrier?
How can I let my kitty play with string?
How do I help my kitty with the stress of loneliness when I´m gone?
When can I take my cat in the car?
What kind of information should I give the Kitty Sitter?
Why does my cat hide?
How do I keep Kitty off the sofa?
How do I stop my kitty from ´going´ in the same spot on the carpet?
What is a good catfood recipe for my cat with allergies?
Should I wash my cat´s food and water bowls?
How do I keep my cat from loosing interest in his toys?
Why does my cat attack my feather duster?
How can my cat trigger my body to relax?
What is a cattery?
Is catmint the same as catnip?
What is a calico?
Why does my cat nip at my elbow and feet?
Good cheap kitty toy?
How do I get my cat used to being in a carrier?
How old do kittens need to be when you start weaning them?
My cat is tinkling anywhere and everywhere, what do I do?
When is the earliest mention of cats?
How do I get my kids to help with the cat?
How do I care for my kitty while I´m on vacation?
How do I remove a tick from my cat?
How can I help my cat adjust while I´m gone?
Should I switch my older cat to a Senior pet food?
Should I put toys in my cat´s carrier on a trip?
How often will my cat want to get out of the carrier?
How do I keep my older cat warm?
Do cat´s need heartworm preventatives?
How do cats learn from other cats?
Where does my cat catch ticks and fleas?
What is jacobson´s organ?
How can I let my kitty play with sack/bags and not get hurt?
What is the first step in litter box training a kitten?
My cat is bored inside during the winter months, what can I do?
What are some things I should do for my cat while we are moving?
Where can I buy less expensive food?
What can I do to help my cat through winter?
How often should I take my older cat to the vet?
Do cat´s need shade in the summer?
How do I take my cat´s temperature
Why shouldn´t I let my cat play with string?
Are kitty flea collars safe?
How do I stop the outdoor cats from using my garden as the litter box?
Should I worry about my cat´s bad breath?
What is ovulation?
Who worshiped the jaguar?
What else can I use as a scratching post for my cat?
What should I do for my cat in winter?
Do cheetahs live in groups?
How do I care for my cat´s teeth?
How do I entertain my kitty with an outdoor birdfeeder?
What is the Number One Toy for cats?
How do I kill a tick?
What is colorpointing?
How do I remove cat hair from my bedspread?
What do I feed orphaned kittens?
What is a margay?
How do I take my cat´s temperature the old fashioned way?
What toys should I NOT buy for my cat?
How does my cat contract heartworms?
What all should I use to litter box train a kitten?
How do I begin training the cat so I can clean her teeth?

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