Declawing your pet 101

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When should I get my kitten declawed?

Declawing your pet 101

My vets have always recommended that the cat should be declawed at the same time they are altered, so that the animal has to suffer anethesia only once. However, veteranary medicine has advanced as much as human medicine and this is not as big a risk as it once was.
When considering declawing, you should have your vet give your kitty a thorough physical exam to insure you pet is healthy and will heal quickly afterwards.



10/4/2007 8:52:32 AM
SSJ said:

You should NEVER declaw a cat, ever! Declawing is illegal in other countries, with good reason. If provided an appropriate scratching area and one that is pleasing to the cat, you will not have issues with furniture scratching. Declawing is painful and unnatural to a cat and I have personally observed many problems in one of my declawed rescue cats associated with declawing, not the least of which are severe ongoing psychological and toileting issues because the litter box can be painful to declawed front paws. Declawed cats are also more vulnerable and they know it; hence, they tend to be more offensive to other cats in an effort to keep them at bay because of their own defenselessness. If you think you have problems now, declaw your cat and you take a huge chance on a myriad of other problems. It is cruel and inhumane and if you love your cat, you will not declaw it!

10/12/2007 12:56:44 PM
Sally said:

Declawing is inhumane! Do not declaw your cats.

There are alternatives (e.g. trimming the claws, scratching posts, even specially-made rubber tips that go on the claws).

When cats are declawed the actualy joint is removed. That's like removing the top joint of your fingers.

Many cats end up walking strangely/badly (and it is often very painful for them even years later) and if this cat gets into a situation where it needs to defend itself, it will be in trouble.

Also, all the declawed cats I know became really bad biters after being declawed.


10/18/2007 12:55:04 PM
Lynn said:

The thing is, declawing is actually an amputation. The last digit of your cat's toe is where the claw grows, and it is this final joint that is removed. Some cats have become neuotic after being deprived of their primary means of defense. I inherited a declawed cat from a neighbor and I have noticed that in addition to being a little fearful at times, she is also not nearly as surefooted as my other cats on soft surfaces like a bed or couch. Isn't it worth considering alternatives? Regular nail clipping which I do for my cats, keeps those damaging points dulled. Your vet can show you's quite easy. Plenty of scratching toys around the house helps also...Cats have a physical need to scratch as a way of stretching and exercising the muscles in their toes and feet. Finally, your pet supply center will have a range of cat deterrent sprays and devices to discourage your cat from using the furniture.
I use all of the above with my cats, with excellent results. Please think twice before having this irreversable surgical procedure performed on your beloved kitty!

12/13/2007 1:12:39 AM
Christy said:

Never declaw a cat! Research declawing and you will see it is the equivalent to removing the first section of your finger joint!!!

1/5/2008 4:55:37 PM
Cindy said:

This is interesting to read. I just took my 2 month old kitten to the vet and asked how old she should be to be declawed. His response was that she should be at least 2 POUNDS and age didn't matter. He did say however that he wanted to wait a few more weeks for the kitten to be accustomed to being in my house and familiar with the family first...this way when she comes home, she won't be scared of us because this happened.

12/28/2008 2:52:13 PM
WHAT! said:

i am a firm believer that declawing is cruel. If you put your hand out, fingers stretched...touch the first knuckle...just below your finger nail. Chop it off. When a cat is declawed they remove the bone, not just the "nail". Cats lose balance, and its very incomfortable for them to use their litter box, etc. And this is not just when they are healing, this is for the rest of their life! If you want your cat to have short nails...trim the claws. If you do this when the cat is young they have no problem with it...and provide a spot for them to scratch that is ok...

5/12/2009 5:40:30 PM
Bunnyman said:

Little known fact -- The United States is now the only country in the entire free world that still considers declawing a cat to be legal!!

Thirty years ago, there was no alternative to declawing ... Today, there are so many alternatives that there's no excuse TO declaw.

Declaw or defang a cat or debark or spike ears on a dog in Europe and you'll go to jail!

If you must physically alter an animal for it to fit into your lifestyle, you should pick another species of pet ... get fish!

7/12/2009 1:20:33 PM
catoninetails said:

You should change your vet, declawing is unnecessary and inhumane

8/10/2009 10:51:21 PM
Aussie Disgusted said:

We don't do this in Australia we feel it is extremely inhumane and barbaric treatment.It is illegal here. Please there are many other ways of dealing with this. Cats are easily trained to use a scratching post and it requires such a small amount of attention and time only. If you truly love your animal then you would not do this.

8/12/2009 7:42:01 AM
Lee said:

Why would you even declaw you cat? Take the time to train your cat instead of going for a quick solution which has no benefits for the cat itself.

8/27/2009 8:50:17 PM
JSG said:

Any one who declaws a cat, should have their fingernails taken out. The person contemplating declawing should not own an animal.


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